
Date30 Mar 2011 ContentComments

I was a little bored this afternoon so made! Inspired by the awesome service run by RackerHacker, it basically does the same thing but there are some differences.

Basic Usage

This will return your public IP - if you have dual stack (IPv4 and IPv6) then it will return your v6 address.

Specific IP type

This will return your public IPv4 address if you are have a working one, else it will time-out (uses an A record).

This will return your public IPv6 address if you are have a working one, else it will time-out (uses an AAAA record).

Output format

By default the output will be plain text however you can optionally pass a format to be returned. To pass a format simply add / to the end of the URL.

Accepted formats are:

  • xml

  • json

  • yaml

  • PHP (serialize of an array)

  • plain

Example usage:


icanhazip exists, why another service that does the same thing?
  1. Because I can
  2. Because .info domains were on special offer ($1.87!)
  3. The servers hosting the site are in London and Manchester not the US (latency)
  4. The secondary service I was using previously no longer exists (I like basic redundancy)
Do you keep logs

I have logs from the web server which I keep for a few days just in case there is any abuse. These are not shared with anyone and access to the server is heavily restricted.

Why different formats?

For developers wanting more than plain text. I plan to add in extended information such as GeoIP and the option to specify an IP to get the info for. This will appear in time as I get randomly bored.

Is this reliable

I make no guarantee but the 2 servers are split between two data centres with multiple A/AAAA records per name. The NS servers are also split between 3 providers and in total there are 7.

Example usage

(I currently use this to keep my TunnelBroker endpoint updated) - It could probably be done much nicer but this kinda just works.

 $PASSWORD = "";
 $USERID = "";
 $currentIP = @file_get_contents('');
 $currentIP = @file_get_contents('');

 die('Could not get current IP'."\n");

$currentIP = trim($currentIP);
 $return = file_get_contents("" . $currentIP . "&pass=" . $PASSWORD . "&user_id=" . $USERID . "&tunnel_id=" . $TUNNELID);

if(strpos($return, "That IPv4 endpoint is already in use.") !== False){
 print "IP has not changed";
 print "\n";
 }else if(strpos($return, "Your tunnel endpoint has been updated to:") !== False){
 print "Tunnel endpoint has been updated";
 print "\n";
 print "Unknown return!?!?!";
 print $return;
 print "\n";
Another example

Basic screen scraping example (I use this to keep my Cluenet VPN endpoint updated)

 $NODENAME = "";

$currentIP = @file_get_contents('');
 $currentIP = @file_get_contents('');

 die('Could not get current IP'."\n");

$currentIP = trim($currentIP);
 $bnlTable = @file_get_contents('');
 $bnlTable = explode('<table border=6 class=\"wikitable sortable\">', $bnlTable); $bnlTable = explode('</table>', $bnlTable[0]); $bnlTable = str_replace('</tr>', "", $bnlTable[0]); $bnlTable = explode('<tr>', $bnlTable); unset($bnlTable[0]); unset($bnlTable[1]);
 $nodes = array();

foreach($bnlTable as $entry){
 $entry = str_replace('</td>', "", $entry); $entry = explode('<td align=center>', $entry);
 $nodes[trim($entry[1])] = array(
 'id' => trim($entry[2]),
 'ip' => trim($entry[3]),
 'ipv6′ => trim($entry[4]),
 'port' => trim($entry[5]),
 'ipv6pref' => trim($entry[6]),
 'subnet' => trim($entry[7]),

$currentVPNIP = $nodes[$NODENAME]['ip'];
 if($currentIP != $currentVPNIP){
 /* Update IP */
 $ch = curl_init ("");
 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIE, 'clueauth_tokenstack='.$ACCESSKEY);
 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, 'nodename='.$NODENAME.'&newip='.$currentIP.'&newport=3406&submit=Change');
 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
 curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
 $output = curl_exec ($ch);

if(strpos($output, 'Success.') != 0){
 die('IP Updated Successfully'."\n");
 die('IP Not Updated Successfully'."\n");
 die('IP has not changed'."\n");
