Example of building nagios configs from LDAP
Over at ClueNet we have a bunch of servers all stored in LDAP with owners and admins linked to user accounts also stored in LDAP! One thing we wanted to implement (as well as graphing, but cacti sorts that out) was service monitoring.
After getting a box up and a bot in IRC to relay stuff I set about hacking up a script to add in servers and add owners/admins as contacts (so they can get notifications and access the Nagios web interface to disable checks and stuff (it uses mod_auth_krb to let people login over HTTPS)).
Some notes about this script:
Currently we don’t store attributes in the servers entry relating to what services to monitor, this is something I’m looking at implementing
IP addresses and SSH ports are stored in LDAP
Server owners AND admins should have access to update the server in Nagios (they do in LDAP!)
There is no attribute under the users entry to determine if we should notify them about alerts so we don’t atm!
The only way people know about alerts is the relay channel on IRC or the web interface
The main thing I want to implement that would improve this script is per service attributes in the servers entry following the standard for ClueNet.
I propose the attribute clueServiceMonitoring be added into the ldap scheme and added to the servers entries.
An example is as below: Server: hex Services to be monitored:
ping (via ICMP)
ssh (will use port listed in LDAP)
http (port 8080)
dn: cn=hex,ou=servers,dc=cluenet,dc=org
changetype: modify
add: clueServiceMonitoring
clueServiceMonitoring: ping^ICMP
dn: cn=hex,ou=servers,dc=cluenet,dc=org
changetype: modify
add: clueServiceMonitoring
clueServiceMonitoring: ssh
dn: cn=hex,ou=servers,dc=cluenet,dc=org
changetype: modify
add: clueServiceMonitoring
clueServiceMonitoring: http^8080
dn: cn=hex,ou=servers,dc=cluenet,dc=org
changetype: modify
add: clueServiceMonitoring
clueServiceMonitoring: ldap
dn: cn=hex,ou=servers,dc=cluenet,dc=org
changetype: modify
add: clueServiceMonitoring
clueServiceMonitoring: kerberos
This would allow the script to check for the attributes and write out the services definitions as necessary. The current solution works but is a little inflexible.
Also, the Perl could do with tidying up a little as I’m not the best Perl programmer on the planet.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use File::Path;
use Net::LDAP;
use Data::Dumper;
# Config stuff
my $base_dir = "/usr/local/nagios/etc/cluenet/";
# Main code
my $ldap = Net::LDAP->new("ldap.cluenet.org", timeout => 30);
if(!$ldap) {
print "Could not connect to ldap\n";
print "Clearing current configs\n";
my @admins = ();
my @owners = ();
my $mesg = $ldap->search(
filter => "(&(objectClass=server)(isActive=TRUE))",
base => "ou=servers,dc=cluenet,dc=org"
my @entries = $mesg->entries;
print "Starting server configs\n";
foreach (@entries) {
my $entry = $_;
print "Starting " . $entry->get_value('cn') . "\n";
my $hostname = $entry->get_value('cn');
if(!$hostname) {
print "Skipping - missing hostname\n";
my $servername = $hostname;
$servername =~ s/\.cluenet\.org$//;
my $owner = $entry->get_value('owner');
$owner =~ s/uid=(.*),ou=people,dc=cluenet,dc=org/$1/;
if(!$owner) {
print "Skipping - missing owner\n";
my $ip_address = $entry->get_value('ipAddress');
if(!$ip_address) {
print "Skipping - missing ip address\n";
my $ssh_port = $entry->get_value('sshPort');
my $description = $entry->get_value('description');
if(!$description) {
$description = "";
my $os = $entry->get_value('operatingSystem');
if(!$os) {
$os = 'linux'; # windows sux
open(FH, ">", "$base_dir/$hostname.cfg");
# Write the host out
print FH <define host {
host_name $hostname
alias $servername
address $ip_address
hostgroups $owner\_servers
max_check_attempts 5
check_period 24x7
contacts $owner
contact_groups $servername\_admins
notification_period 24x7
# Write out the services
# - I'd like these to be ldap attributes but I'm not sure how we can do shit for now so hardcoding
print "Adding ping check\n";
print FH <define service {
host_name $hostname
service_description PING check
notification_period 24x7
check_period 24x7
max_check_attempts 3
normal_check_interval 5
retry_check_interval 1
notification_interval 30
notification_options w,u,c,r,f,s
check_command check_ping!100.0,20%!500.00,60%
if(grep(/windows/i, $os)) {
} else {
if($ssh_port) {
print "Adding SSH check on port $ssh_port\n";
print FH <get_value('authorizedAdministrator')) {
my $user = $_;
$user =~ s/uid=(.*),ou=people,dc=cluenet,dc=org/$1/;
$members = $members . ", " . $user;
if(!grep(/$user/, @admins)) {
push(@admins, $user);
print FH <get_value('cn') . "\n";
print "Finished server configs\n";
print "Starting user config\n";
open(FH, ">", "$base_dir/users.cfg");
print "Adding __nagiosbot__\n";
print FH <define contact {
contact_name __nagiosbot__
alias General nagios bot
host_notification_period 24x7
service_notification_period 24x7
host_notification_commands host-notify-by-irc
service_notification_commands notify-by-irc
foreach(@admins) {
print "Adding user $_ \n";
print FH <search(
filter => "(&(objectClass=person)(uid=" . $_ . "))",
base => "ou=people,dc=cluenet,dc=org"
foreach($mesg->entries) {
my $entry = $_;
my $gecos = $entry->get_value('gecos');
if($gecos) {
print FH "\talias $gecos\n";
my $mail = $entry->get_value('mail');
if($mail) {
print FH "#\temail $mail\n";
print FH <}
foreach(@owners) {
print FH <define hostgroup {
hostgroup_name $_\_servers
alias $_\'s servers
print "Finished user config\n";
print "Reloading\n";
`/etc/init.d/nagios reload`