Useful cPanel paths

Some common and useful paths for cPanel are as below - please note that these may change at any time.

Location Contents
/etc/ips IP Addresses
/etc/reservedips Reserved IP addresses
/etc/reservedipreasons Reserved IP address reasons
~/.accesshash WHM API key
/etc/cpupdate.conf cPanel update configuration
/etc/wwwacct.conf Basic cPanel config
/var/cpanel/maxemailsperhour System wide max emails per hour setting
/var/cpanel/packages cPanel packages
/var/cpanel/users User data
/var/cpanel/templates/apache2 Apache vhost templates
/usr/local/apache/conf/userdata/std/2/$user/$domain/configuration.conf Apache vhost config customizations for $user's $domain (not SSL)
/usr/local/apache/conf/userdata/ssl/2/$user/$domain/configuration.conf Apache vhost config customizations for $user's $domain (SSL)
/etc/userdomains Users domains
/usr/local/cpanel/version cPanel version
/var/cpanel/resellers Resellers
/scripts Loads of useful cPanel related scripts
/usr/local/cpanel/bin Loads of useful cPanel scripts
