Damian Zaremba

Percona Live Amsterdam 2016 Notes

Date20 Oct 2016

Early this month I attended Percona Live, below are some random notes:

MySQL 8.0

MySQL 8.0 is currently quite far out, with a DMR available. While there is no official release date yet, another 2 years or so is likely.

Some companies are testing the DMR in production to weed out potential issues during the development.

Some exciting features include

InnoDB by default!

MySQL 5.7 is still using MyISAM for system tables, 8.0 will see MyISAM still shipped, but completely optional due to the new data dictionary.

Another feature request has been raised to move the storage engine to a plugin, with some comments suggesting a separate package.

All the features in MyISAM have been implemented in InnoDB (5.6, 5.7), with MyISAM still performing better in some cases.

Some key reasons why not to use MyISAM unless there’s a specific use case (also applies to 5.6/5.7):

  • Not ACID compliant
  • Not transactional
  • Repair + index rebuild required on crashes
  • Table level locking

Invisible indexes

A very interesting feature, allowing you to hide an index from the query optimizer, but critically keep the index updated.

There is a feature in MyISAM called ‘disabled indexes’, which has differing behaviour; this stops the index being maintained, requiring a rebuild of the index when it’s re-enabled.

Why is this useful?

  • Dropping an index; once dropped rebuilding the index could be very time-consuming and in a production setting, this could have a significant effect on your applications. Hiding the index would reveal the same performance hit, with a low-cost rollback.

  • Adding an index; creating a new index can cause the query plan to change, sometimes negatively. Currently, it’s not possible to ‘force’ a hidden index to be on, this would be an interesting feature; enabling testing of critical queries.

IPv6 comparisons

INET6_ATON / INET6_NTOA were added in MySQL 5.6 however binary comparison has never worked properly. WL#8699 has changed that.

You can now do INET6_ATON(address) & INET6_ATON(network) and the result is correct.

A small change, but for certain applications, a lot of logic around v6 can now be treated the same way as v4.

JSON support

The JSON support continues to mature, with 2 new functions added in 8.0; JSON_ARRAYAGG & JSON_OBJECTAGG.

These functions work on tables without JSON fields, allowing logic such as:

mysql> SELECT JSON_ARRAYAGG(`name`) AS `devices` FROM `assets` where `active` = b'1';
| devices                  |
| [ "device1",
    "device3" ]


mysql> SELECT JSON_OBJECTAGG(`name`, `ip`) AS `devices` FROM `assets` where `active` = b'1';
| devices                  |
| { "device1": "",
    "device2": "",
    "device3": "" }

Other SQL logic should as grouping or joins can also be performed

mysql> SELECT `location`, JSON_OBJECTAGG(`name`, `ip`) AS `devices` FROM `assets` where `active` = b'1' group by `location`;
| location     | devices                                          |
| Amsterdam    | {"device1": "", "device2": ""} |
| Manchester   | {"device3": ""}                         |

I’m not sure how much application/serialisation logic I want in my database, but this is definitely powerful.


This literally hurts my brain, seemingly it can be used in place of derived tables, with 1 powerful feature; you can recurse over the statement.

In the case of a table being referenced to its self, it’s now simple (and in some cases possible) to query the data in 1 pass.

The CTE only knows about 1 row at a time, so for really complex items, columns have to be passed around (see this post for a Fibonacci example).

A simple example is as below:

  SELECT 1 AS counter
  SELECT 2 + counter FROM crazy WHERE counter < 10
SELECT * FROM crazy;

| counter |
|       1 |
|       3 |
|       5 |
|       7 |
|       9 |

Other stuff

Lots of other nice features have been added such as:

  • Better docs
  • Better GIS support
  • Performance improvements
  • Improved security models
  • Query optimizer cost model improvements
  • Support for the latest Unicode 9.0 standard
  • UTF8MB4 as the default character set (work started in 5.7)

Follow the MySQL server team blog for updates.


ProxySQL is a high-performance SQL proxy, supporting a number of interesting features:

  • Query rewriting / blocking
  • Load balancing / query routing
  • Caching
  • HA (when used with a topology manager)
  • Traffic mirroring

The HA part is especially interesting for a few reasons:

  • Applications have their connection held, so you can have ‘no downtime, increased latency’ master failovers
  • Servers can be promoted based on their read_only status
  • Integration with cluster managers (Galera etc) is possible

Marco Tusa had a presentation on deploying ProxySQL, with an interesting overview of failover techniques and what ‘HA’ means:

90.000% (36 days) MySQL Replication
99.900% (8 hours) Linux Heartbeat with DRBD
99.900% (8 hours) RHCS with Shared Storage (Active/Passive)
99.990% (52 minutes) MHA with at least 3 nodes
99.990% (52 minutes) Linux Heartbeat with DRBD and Replication
99.990% (52 minutes) Linux Heartbeat with Shared Storage and Replication
99.995% (26 minutes) Multi-Master (Galera - Percona cluster) 3 node minimum
99.999% (5 minutes) MySQL Cluster


Think pt-online-schema-change without triggers, on steroids.

The killer features include:

  • No triggers, so 0 performance overhead when paused
  • Dynamic throttling
  • Hooks for notifications / cut-over
  • Re-configurable at runtime
  • Pauseable

Currently, they’re still using the INSERT INTO xxx SELECT FROM yyy pattern for the bulk row copy (binlog events played over the top), there is a feature request for this to be done via the gh-ost process; if that happens a number of really cool possibilities open up:

  • No extra read load on the masters (and no touching the source table) - read data from slaves
  • Live table migrations - no complex intermediary master setup for migrations/vertical sharding
  • Sharding - with support for conditionals, slicing a table in 2 could be done in the same way as a live table migration

The only catch is you need row based binlogs (binlog_row_image=FULL, though MINIMAL has been requested); this can be supported in a statement or mixed topology by having 1 slave log changes in the row format.

Facebook backups / binlog server

Facebook had a number of talks, 2 of which were on the topic of binlogs and backups.

Interestingly their strategy is along the lines of:

  • Backup binlogs as they rotate
  • Stream binlogs into HDFS
  • mysqldump all databases every day

The dumping process is interesting, as they take a full backup, but only save that every 5 days. The rest of the days, they compute the updated (+inserted) and deleted rows, then store that.

When restoring a database/table they:

  1. Download the last full backup
  2. Download the diff backups between full…now
  3. Combine the full + diffs into 1 file
  4. Restore that file
  5. Replay the binlogs

The only benefit I can see to this (over just storing the full backups) is saving on storage space (assuming < 100% churn of the data).

They have made multiple additions to the mysqldump binary (available in their mysql-5.6 branch), such as storing table offsets in comments.

For restores, there is an orchestrated pipeline with a scheduler submitting automated restore requests to test backups; this has picked up failures in the process previously.

To handle binlogs, they wrote their own binlog server, which can serve the files out of HDFS upon request; this is used to seed slaves and replay entries on restores.


It was announced that Percona Server will be supporting MyRocks, this is exciting as previously you needed to run Facebook’s branch of MySQL.

I’ve not yet had time to play with MyRocks, but some key stats posted by others when compared to InnoDB:

  • 1.5x more queries per second
  • 8x-14x less data written per transaction
  • 2x-3x less space used

Follow Mark Callaghan for interesting RocksDB updates.

Percona Monitoring and Management

This is still pretty new, but there’s a nice bundle of tools. I’m interested to see how this project matures and if the pain of MySQL Enterprise Monitor can be forgotten.

There’s an online demo if you want to play with it.

Database engine licensing

Peter Zaitsev’s keynote reminded me of the excellent db-engines.com and their trends on licensing and usage.

The popularity of Opensource engine’s is growing with some of the biggest users of commercial licenses being their owners (Microsoft, Oracle).

It also highlighted that most commercial offerings are around relational stores, with Opensource heavily present in wide column, graph, key-value and time series stores.

A key takeaway for this segment was ‘free’ really means reduced TCO for business; they pay the support cost in people/consultancy etc but with a 3-10x reduction in TCO.